How to Keep Your Garage Cool in Summer. Let's talk about it!


How to keep your garage cool in summer

How to keep your garage cool in summer? There are several ways to do it, including installing insulation, installing ceiling fans, and planting a deciduous tree. You can also add a dehumidifier to your garage to keep the area less humid. Listed below are a few ways to keep your garage cool. All of these options will improve the air circulation in your garage, keeping it cooler for longer.


The summer months in Houston are notoriously hot, with temperatures ranging from 91degF in June to 94degF in August. With the increase of work-at-home opportunities, many people now use their garages for other purposes, too, including hobby workshops, work-from-home offices, and personal gyms. This means that it's critical to have insulation to prevent excessive heat from rising inside the garage.

Proper insulation will keep warm air out and cold air in. A garage that's not well-insulated will warm up quickly during the summer. A properly insulated garage will maintain a more even temperature year-round. If gaps are present, weatherstripping will help seal them and help prevent heat exchange with the outside. It's a relatively inexpensive solution that can greatly increase the comfort level of your garage.

Planting a deciduous tree

A deciduous tree can help to shade your garage during the summer by blocking sunlight from reaching the open door. If you can't afford to install a rollaway awning over your garage, plant a deciduous tree. These trees provide shade during the summer and let the sunlight in during the winter. Deciduous trees provide shade and warmth, so they're a great option for garages.

Deciding on the best time to plant depends on whether you are a novice or an experienced gardener. You can plant a tree in fall but you must remember to provide adequate water to the root system until the ground freezes. If you plan on watering your tree in the winter, then you may want to wait until spring. If you do not water your tree in the fall, you can plant it in the spring. A newly planted tree needs regular watering for the first six months and for the first year.

Ceiling fans

If you live in an area with warm summers, installing ceiling fans in your garage is a great way to combat the high temperatures. They help circulate hot air, which tends to gather near the ceiling. Because air rises, it is warmer at the ceiling. High ceilings, air conditioning units and heating systems can all contribute to higher temperatures in this area. Ceiling fans can be switched to run counterclockwise or clockwise. If you choose the latter option, be sure to use a ceiling fan with a reverse-direction setting.

Another inexpensive solution to keeping the garage cool during the summer is to install ceiling fans. These fans work best with blades about seven feet up from the floor and need about 10 inches of space under the ceiling. You should also measure the size of the garage when shopping for the right ceiling fan for your garage. If it is smaller than 225 square feet, then a ceiling fan 36-44 inches in diameter should suffice. Otherwise, you might need to consider installing oscillating standing fans.

Insulating walls

When you're insulating walls in your garage to keep it cool in summer, it's important to use the right materials. First, inspect the exterior and interior walls for cracks. Cracks in exterior walls are an easy target for pests and water can cause them to expand, which can lead to mold growth. Make sure you use a waterproof masonry sealant to prevent any leaks or damage before installing insulation.

Secondly, make sure the garage is airtight. Insulation helps control temperature because it doesn't produce heat, but it slows it down. The best way to keep your garage cool in the summer is to insulate the walls and use portable fans to help regulate the temperature. Adding insulation will prevent air from escaping, and it will also keep the garage cool in the winter. In addition to preventing cold air from entering, insulation will also lower your energy costs.


There are several ways to improve the ventilation in your garage to keep it cool during the summer. There are passive and active ventilation systems, both of which use fans to move air through the garage. Passive ventilation is the most inexpensive option and can be installed yourself, but active systems require professional installation and use mechanical components. If you're unsure which type of ventilation system to choose, contact a garage door specialist for help.

Install an oscillating or high-powered fan. An oscillating household fan is a good choice to move air throughout the garage. Place the fans near the windows so they blow hot air out of the garage. Windows that face each other will push air into the garage and keep it cool. Keeping your garage cooler in the summer will save you money in energy bills. You should also install high-quality insulation to prevent heat from entering the garage.

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