How Does Ozone Kill Mold?


When you hear the term ozone, you probably think of a chemical product that has a powerful effect on fungus. In reality, it's a three-atom gas made of three oxygen atoms. When ozone comes into contact with mold spores, it changes them and kills them. While this does kill mold, it cannot kill the source of the mold. If you've ever seen mold on your walls, you know just how difficult it can be to remove it.

Although ozone can kill mold, it can have adverse health effects. Ozone is not safe to breathe, and it is not recommended by government health organizations, and it can cause negative reactions in sensitive people. Ozone is not a perfect solution for removing odors from a home, as it does not get rid of carbon monoxide or formaldehyde. There are other ways to get rid of odors, including sealing a room or sealing a leaky window.

If you can't afford to get rid of mold, you can consider using an ozone machine. Ozone is a chemical that kills mold spores. It can't destroy mold, but it can kill the spores that cause the odor. In addition to the odor, ozone also kills harmful bacteria. And since it's highly effective, you can use it in your home.

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