Air Purifiers and Indoor Air Quality

Air Purifiers

Air purifiers are air purifying systems that can be used in many different settings. An air purifier or air cleaning machine is a machine that removes certain pollutants from the air within a specific room to improve indoor air quality for you and your family. These machines are often sold as being effective for allergy suffers and asthma sufferers and in reducing or even eliminating secondhand smoke from a home. If you have a pet, an air purifier can also help to reduce the level of pet dander. Depending on what type of purifier you use, they can sometimes even improve the air quality of your yard.


When selecting which air purifiers you want to use around your household, there are a few things you should look for. First, the machine should remove all types of pollutants from the air, both chemical and biological. There are some models which specialize in specific types of pollutants, such as airborne allergens and mold spores. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, you will need a model that is specifically designed to tackle those particular issues. In general, look for a machine that is made by a well known, reputable manufacturer.


Some of the most common pollutants in homes are mold spores, dust mites, pet dander, pollen, cigarette smoke, airborne viruses and ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Most of these items can be removed with ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet light kills viruses, bacteria, germs and other infectious organisms. It can also destroy dust mites and prevent the growth of mold spores.


Some common filters in use include carbon filters, electrostatic precipitators, ionic and micron filters, and ultraviolet light filters. Carbon filters absorb only small amounts of particulates and work great for preventing odors. Electrostatic precipitators work best with particles that have a high rate adhesion with the filter material. These include dust, pollen, mites, pet dander, and viruses and bacteria. Ionic and micron filters eliminate very small particles, but may not be able to effectively handle large germs and pathogens.


Ultraviolet light and ozone generators kill off viruses, bacteria, germs and other organisms by producing ozone at extremely high levels. Ozone gas however can have negative effects on people's lungs and eyes, so it is important to ensure that any ozone generators used are safe for the ozone generator itself, as well as all surrounding humans. Other types of Air Purifiers include units which generate positive ions, or ions that neutralize odors. Air Purifiers that combines a UV light purification method with ionizing agents to create ozone are ideal for removing contaminants and odors in the home.


One of the most popular Air Purifiers for removing odors and contaminants is the ionic air purifiers. These use two different methods to destroy bacteria and viruses, without having to add chemicals to the air. In an ionic air purifier, negatively charged ions are produced, which attach themselves to the bacteria or virus. The emitted ions bind to the contaminants and the pollutants become less available to circulate throughout the home.


Air purifiers that use ozone are also extremely useful. Ozone can penetrate smaller sized particles, such as dander, which can make them airborne. If you have a pet in the home, the fumes from the feline can be incredibly difficult to remove. However, if the air purifiers incorporate ozone, the ozone will bind with the larger particles, such as dander, which then become less airborne and odors less offensive.


Air purifiers are beneficial for creating a healthier environment and removing airborne diseases and pollutants. However, it is crucial to ensure that you purchase filters that are made from certified organically produced materials. These types of filters are designed to be more effective at removing harmful toxins than filters made from toxic materials.

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